Saturday, January 4, 2020
Why Do Men Cheat On Us - 1438 Words
In writing this paper, I am setting out to answer a question that has been plaguing women for many years. Why do men cheat on us? Is it something us women do that causes it? Is it something they are taught is ok somewhere along the way? Does it have to do with the fact that their genitalia are on the outside? Or is there no logical explanation in the universe for it? (I’m leaning towards the last one, but hey, that’s just me.) Men always seem to have an explanation for their behavior, or more likely, an excuse. These excuses have been known to range from blaming the woman they are cheating on to trying to get back at her for something. Having more than just some personal experience with being cheated on, I’m curious to find out what causes†¦show more content†¦I found an article in the January 2004 issue of Cosmopolitan that was helpful in explaining one of the theories on why men cheat. According to Shirley Glass, PhD, many men who cheat come from chauv inistic cultures or families where their fathers cheated. Another point brought up by Glass in this article is that men feel that as long as they do not love the other woman, that it is simply a physical thing, then they are not really cheating (Koli). I guess what Glass is saying is that cheating, like abuse or alcoholism, can be a cycle that runs in families. If a man grows up watching his father cheat on his mother, then he is being taught that it is an acceptable practice. Also, men feel that if they do not break their emotional promise to their significant other, then they are not doing anything wrong. While I think the first one is understandable and a valid point, I feel the second is yet another excuse men use to justify an unjustifiable action. Still not satisfied with the answers I had, I went looking for more. I accessed the ProQuest search engine through the Penn State library system in order to search for more articles. The first article, which was originally published in the April 2001 issue of Redbook, agreed with some of the points I raised previously as well as brought up new ones. In the article, four men who have confessed to cheating talk about the reasoning behind their actions. As Glass mentioned in the above Cosmopolitan article, three out of these fourShow MoreRelatedWhy Is A Woman?847 Words  | 4 PagesWhy Does A Woman Choose To Cheat? In a perfect world, it would be nice if women didn t cheat on their men, but it does happen for a variety of reasons. Good men, bad men, and men who are doing their best get cheated on by women. But why? Why would a woman cheat on her man? Following are a few very real reasons. 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