Monday, September 30, 2019
Define Culture Essay
â€Å"A person without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.†- Marcus Garvey. This says that a person is defined by his or her culture by the way he/she acts, thinks, and speaks. A person is defined by his or her culture by the way he or she thinks. A person see’s the world differently so the way they think and act would be distinct. They would think differently because of the different backgrounds that they have. In the story â€Å"Imagine†, it says â€Å"you may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will live as one†. John Lennon explains how people think he’s different because of what he is. He also says how people aren’t all the same but he wishes that one day we were. He wishes that one day we will all see the world the same and we would be the same. A person is defined by his or her culture by the way he or she’ s history, family tree, and he or she’s way of life. A person is defined by his or her culture because it effects the way they act or speak. In the story â€Å"Where I’m From,†George States â€Å"†¦leaf fall from the family tree†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This example from the text explains that every detail, moment, or where she is from in the poem is from her family tree. It’s saying the poem are moments or cultural things that effected her or shaped her as a person. The things she shares in the poem are all from her families history or culture (family tree). Although others may argue that culture doesn’t effect your education, other people don’t always agree,because their culture has taught them everything they know.An example on how culture defines your education is that people can attend any school , but when they are being taught, they realize that it is different from what they know. In the story, â€Å"An Indian Father’s Plea,†the protagonist argues, â€Å"My son is culturally â€Å"different.†If you ask him how many months are in a year he will probably tell you 13. He will respond this way not because he doesn’t know how to count but because he was taught by our people that there are 13 full moons in a year.†This quote demonstrates that even though he is Indian, he is culturally different because his culture has taught him what he knows. Your families history, education, and your view or the way you think all contribute on how your culture defines you. It’s obvious that any person would benefit from he or she’s culture.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Physics C 2d
Physics C – Homework Two Dimensional Motion 1. A particle moves along the parabola with equation Y = ? x2 shown below. a. Suppose the particle moves so that the x-component of its velocity has the constant value vx = C; that is, x = Ct i. On the diagram above, indicate the directions of the particle's velocity vector v and acceleration vector a at point R, and label each vector. ii. Determine the y-component of the particle's velocity as a function of x. iii. Determine the y-component of the particle's acceleration. . Suppose, instead, that the particle moves along the same parabola with a velocity whose x-component is given by vx = C/(1+x? )? i. Show that the particle's speed is constant in this case. ii. On the diagram below, indicate the directions of the particle's velocity vector v and acceleration vector a at point S, and label each vector. State the reasons for your choices. 2. A ball of mass m is released from rest at a distance h above a frictionless plane inclined at an angle of 45Â ° to the horizontal as shown above.The ball bounces elastically off the plane at point P1 and strikes the plane again at point P2. In terms of g and h determine each of the following quantities: a. The velocity (a vector) of the ball just after it first bounces off the plane at P1. b. The time the ball is in flight between points P1 and P2. c. The distance L along the plane from P1 to P2. d. The speed of the ball just before it strikes the plane at P2. 3. One end of a spring is attached to a solid wall while the other end just reaches to the edge of a horizontal, frictionless tabletop, which is a distance h above the floor.A block of mass M is placed against the end of the spring and pushed toward the wall until the spring has been compressed a distance X, as shown above. The block is released, follows the trajectory shown, and strikes the floor a horizontal distance D from the edge of the table. Air resistance is negligible. Determine expressions for the following quantities in terms of M, X, D, h, and g. Note that these symbols do not include the spring constant. a. The time elapsed from the instant the block leaves the table to the instant it strikes the floor . The horizontal component of the velocity of the block just before it hits the floor c. The work done on the block by the spring d. The spring constant 4. A ball of mass 0. 5 kilogram, initially at rest, is kicked directly toward a fence from a point 32 meters away, as shown above. The velocity of the ball as it leaves the kicker's foot is 20 meters per second at an angle of 37Â ° above the horizontal. The top of the fence is 2. 5 meters high. The kicker's foot is in contact with the ball for 0. 05 second.The ball hits nothing while in flight and air resistance is negligible. a. Determine the magnitude of the average net force exerted on the ball during the kick. b. Determine the time it takes for the ball to reach the plane of the fence. c. Will the ball hit the fence? If so, how far below the top of the fence will it hit? If not, how far above the top of the fence will it pass? d. On the axes below, sketch the horizontal and vertical components of the velocity of the ball as functions of time until the ball reaches the plane of the fence. [pic]
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Baseball Essay Research Paper I chose the
Baseball Essay, Research Paper I chose the subject baseball, because it # 8217 ; s a game I have loved since I was a small child. I have played baseball since I was five, and followed professional baseball since I was approximately nine. That is when I started roll uping baseball cards and watching the games. Although I had neer truly cared about baseball # 8217 ; s origin and history, recently I have been seeking to happen out every bit much as I can about it. Baseball # 8217 ; s beginning is unknown. Peoples believe many theories. One is that baseball originated from the British game of cricket. Another theory people believe is that baseball started when a immature male child was being chased by a group of older childs and they were throwing stones at him. All the male child had with him was his school books and a walking stick. When one of the childs threw a stone at him he hit it right back at him. When the childs saw this they were amazed. That gave the childs an thought. They got out their walking sticks and started to throw stones at each other. The victor was the 1 who hit it the farthest. Another theory is that in 1831 a male child named Abner Doubleday had his mas make him a ball out of bit leather and pieces of old narration and yarn. Abner and his brother Tim would travel in the pace and drama # 8220 ; catch. # 8221 ; Abner got tired of merely throwing the ball, so he thought of hitting the ball excessively. He would hold a # 8220 ; pitcher # 8220 ; # 8221 ; lob # 8221 ; the ball to the hitter who had a # 8220 ; hittin # 8217 ; stick. # 8221 ; The hitter would hit the ball every bit far as he could. Most people believe this narrative to be true. Around the 1850s recreational baseball squads began to jump up all over in the United States. During the early 1840s the first baseball game was recorded. Harmonizing to the New England regulations, if a hitter was hit by a ball thrown at him he was called out. Today a hitter needs to be either tagged by the participant with the ball, or have the first, 2nd, or 3rd baseman measure on the base if they had the ball in their manus. Although baseball has changed a batch, many things have stayed the same. Baseball used to be considered a gentlemen # 8217 ; s game. Merely the upper category played baseball. Since Baseball was a gentlemen # 8217 ; s game, # 8220 ; cussin # 8217 ; # 8221 ; wasn # 8217 ; T allowed. If you were caught # 8220 ; cussin # 8217 ; # 8221 ; you would hold to pay a six cent mulct. By the late 1860s everyone was playing baseball # 8211 ; from food market packers to concern proprietors. The amateurs formed a conference called the National League Association. If a squad wanted to go a portion of the NLA, and was good plenty, it would be accepted. The conference would form games, and do certain the squads had a topographic point to play. In 1881 the first professional baseball squad was formed. The NLA would non let them in because they wouldn # 8217 ; t let squads to pay its participants. Because of this, the Red Stockings set up their ain conference. They called it the American League Association. The National Association finally had to let professional squads in the conference because the American Association had so many more squads in their conference. Because baseball # 8217 ; s popularity had grown so much, the presidents of the ALA, and the NLA started to bear down admittance to games. Soon gamblers got involved. The NLA allowed chancing but the ALA banned it because the participants thought baseball was for amusement intents merely. In the NLA gaming got out of manus. The participants got involved with the gaming, and would intentionally throw a game. That happened more than one time. When the NLA tried to censor chancing in 1892 the conference became really unstable. Directors were seeking to discontinue, and the participants wanted to play in a just game, non a game that was lost on intent. In the early yearss of baseball Charles Comiskey pioneered many basicss of the game. He had the participants back-up each other # 8217 ; s throws, and catch the ball with two custodies. In the early old ages, foremost basemen played in disgusting district. Comiskey changed that. He had the first baseman drama on the left side of the disgusting line so that if the ball was hit his manner he could acquire to the ball, and do the drama. Charles was a # 8220 ; playing director # 8221 ; for the Washington Blue Caps. He played hurler, and developed the pitching manner called, # 8220 ; The Stretch. # 8221 ; A pitch where the hurler does non weave up, he merely stairss and throws the ball. Another pioneering participant was Denton True Young. Most people know him as Cy Young. The Cy is short for cyclone. He got that moniker because of his alone pitching manner. Because of Cy # 8217 ; s great ability to flip there is a fliping award named after him. The award is called the # 8220 ; Cy Young Award. # 8221 ; The award is given to the hurler who leads the conference in work stoppage outs and earned run average. In 1900 the National Association eventually became stable. The gaming had for the most portion stopped, and squads were willing to play once more. In 1908 backstop # 8217 ; s face masks and shin guards were invented. A individual could purchase a face mask for six dollars, and shin guards for seven dollars. During a game in 1909, an outfielder bruised his thenar on a fly ball he caught. He left the game but returned two innings subsequently with a brace of soft leather baseball mitts. He played the remainder of his calling with those baseball mitts. Everyone thought he was a chicken, but shortly everyone had a brace of the baseball mitts. Although baseball has changed a batch, many things have stayed the same, such as simple basicss. I think most professional baseball participants don # 8217 ; t cognize much about baseball # 8217 ; s past. If they took the clip to read about it they # 8217 ; vitamin D likely truly bask it. I learned a batch about baseball # 8217 ; s history while researching this study. I thought baseball had ever been around, and that all the regulations had been the same. I thought the same squads had been about since the beginning, but they have non. Thingss have changed, from the unvarying manner, to the type of wood the chiropteran is made of, to the type of narration used in the balls. I chose to compose about baseball # 8217 ; s beginnings because baseball is my favourite athletics. I learned a batch about who did what, and when they did it. I am glad I chose baseball, because I learned a batch about baseball # 8217 ; s history in America. Shapiro, Milton J. , The Day They Made The Record Book, New York: Julian Messner,1968. Dunham, Montrew, Abner Doubleday, New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Co. , 1965. Rosenburg, John M. , The Story of Baseball, New York: Random House, 1973. Schenck, Earl M. , Baseball, New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1969.
Friday, September 27, 2019
The music business has changed radically. Can an employee whos been an Essay
The music business has changed radically. Can an employee whos been an Industry Legend Keep Up - Essay Example Helping business managers make rational decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma calls for determination and sophistication (McCullough and Faught, 2005). In the case study of Powerful Entertainment, the major ethical dilemma facing Noel Klein, the company’s CEO is on whether to lay Bob off or keep him. Noel argues that Bob has been in the company for so long as the sales managers although at present he is not selling anything. Despite the great changes in the industry within which Bob operates over the past 20 years, Bob has not changed at all (Guterman, 2010). He does not know anything about digital marketing although technology is moving towards this. Moreover he does not add to the sales of the company although he is the highest paid employee in the company. The CEO argues that Bob is taking up a vacancy for another sales person who would be able to achieve the targets. On the other hand, Bob has so much to offer to the company. Noel concedes that he has valuable inter personal skills. Bob is an icon in the company linking it to the past. Furthermore, he is the one responsible of keeping Mark Sender in the company. Mark Sender is an important figure in the company since he helps make almost 30 percent more revenues than other performers (Guterman, 2010). The other reason that makes it had for the CEO to decide on the way to handle Bob is given the fact that he is loved by most employees and therefore his exit may lead to loss of other critical employees or affect their effectiveness. He motivates other employees to work although this cannot be quantified. He is imaginative and adored by other workers and young employees have a lot to learn from him. Rita who has called upon by the CEO is expected to give her decision on the case of Bob Antice.... This research is the best example of comparison of the utilitarian, libertarian, deontological and virtue ethics perspective on the ethical dilemma facing Powerful Company. From an evaluation of the different ethical perspectives, the researcher proposes that Noel should adopt a combination of utilitarian and libertarian perspective to demystify the ethical dilemma facing the company. By employing the utilitarian perspective, the CEO would take time to evaluate the impacts of his actions. Utilitarian perspective like a social cost benefit analysis carries out any evaluation of the impacts of an action before it is implemented to help avoid costly mistakes in the process of making decisions. As such the CEO would be able to quantify the impacts of sacking Bob for not achieving the sales targets in relation to his benefits to the company. Since the perspective views the good of an individual as independent from their rights, it would be easy to conclude on whether to replace Bob or ret ain him in the organization. If his value in the organization does not match the pay, he should be replaced. From a libertarian perspective, Noel’s decision should be geared towards ensuring that maximum benefits to the shareholders of the company. In light of this statement, the decision adopted must ensure there will be maximum returns to the shareholders. From this perspective, it would be critical to evaluate the value of Bob to the company, does he actually motivate staff? Or does he help young guys to the company learn and how the two add value to company.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Common Law and the Doctrine of Privity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Common Law and the Doctrine of Privity - Essay Example However, with implementation of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 (hereafter â€Å"the Act†) many transformations have been witnessed, consequently enabling third parties to enforce terms in contracts. In essence, the common law is built on a number of key principles that stipulate that the third party cannot have rights or bear the liability upon a contract he is not a partisan. In order to understand the privity doctrine, it is essential to first relate it to the law of contract. A contract is defined as a promise of exchange that is legally enforceable. Additionally, a contract can only exist if there is an offer - a promise of exchange is made by an offeror to the offeree, acceptance - where the offeree delivers whatever has been promised, and consideration - the bargain for exchange or simply price for exchange. In addition, it is important to ensure that there exists enforcement and reliance (Koffman & Macdonald, 2007)1. The common law is in most cases dee med as being unfair. A good example, person A enters into a bidding contract with person B, and one of the agreement is that person B will continue paying considerations to person A’s wife upon his death. However, B refuses to honor the promise upon A’s death. Under the common law A’s wife cannot sue B because she is not a party to the agreement. In this light, is the common law fair or unfair? The privity doctrine exists in the premises of contract law which states that only a party to a contract can impose it. It further, states that an agreement cannot inflict enforceable commitments on individuals who are not parties to a contract. This is very practical and ideal in many circumstances; however, it can give rise to some unsatisfactory and discriminatory results in practice. An example of the unsatisfactory eventuality is if a contract is entered into by an agent for another first, or on behalf of the contracting persons. Therefore, numerous exceptions have b een settled to the doctrine. The precise exceptions to the privity doctrine industrialized from case law and precise legislative provisions. As such, the Privity Act 1982 relates to all contracts. As a result, then Act allows a third party beneficiary to a contract, who was projected to benefit from the contract, to enjoy enforcing rights. Nevertheless, the third party has to institute two key elements, namely, the contract must clearly indicate an intention to confer a benefit on the third party legatee, and that the third party must be clearly identified in the contract (designation). Consequently, the Act is void if the promise is not projected to bring forth an obligation that is enforceable by a non-contracting party. Therefore, the privity Act was aimed at empowering third parties to enforce a contract and be compensated for damages where appropriate. In this light, this paper is going to explore whether the common law position prior to the act was justifiable and whether thir d parties have now been given 'a ticket to ride’. Moving on the same, the Act addresses the concerns of variations of contracts advancing a benefit on a non-contracting party. Therefore, the parties to a contract that comprises an enforceable benefit to a third party legatee may revise or end the contract at any stage with the approval of that third party legatee. Consequently, the contract may also be revised or ended minus the approval of that third party beneficiary, up to when the position of the third party benef
Early Intervention to Prevent Divorce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Early Intervention to Prevent Divorce - Essay Example 277). It's vital that couples understand the impact of marriage on the community and children. The information made available in respect to communication, the help available, and society's expectations is of great importance. It is unfortunate that due to the complexity of the subject little success can be verified with educational programs including PREP (pp. 275, 277). Stanley's suggestion that delaying marriage through a deliberation period may be beneficial, but would not be practical on a mandated level. Beyond being unworkable, a delay has shown no positive effect (p. 273). Some couples will change their mind during this period, but that does not indicate that their marriage would have ended in failure. Our best approach to premarital education is to professionally counsel the couple with the intent of imparting the importance of the union and a method to signal for help in times of distress. This essay is an adequate summary of Stanley's article. The writer covers the main points of the paper and generally agrees with the author. The essay falls a little short on analysis of Stanley's data. Some of the statements in the essay are not supported, or at least not documented, in reference to Stanley's statements. However, it did call for an opinion so this may be a minor issue.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Reading analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reading analysis - Assignment Example It is, though, probably accurate to say that social pressure plays a huge role in determining how both women and men form their personal values. Societal pressure is an experience that all members of a society are openly exposed to and have to contend with, particularly in childhood and teenage years. However, the question remains, ‘How can this influence of society on young people’s values be measured or quantified?’ The fact is that this is almost impossible to accomplish. According to Gulla, â€Å"one can only use his or her own experience in terms of how much what society demands has contributed to the formation of personal values or the testimonies of others to determine if societal pressure can affect personal beliefs†(76). Parental influence is also likely play a huge role in determining personal beliefs. The fact that young people often behave in similar ways to their parents is another obvious observable fact in almost every culture in the world. Still, the influence of an individual’s personality becomes evident when the individual becomes independent and moves away from the parents. People will often adopt different interests from those encouraged by society or even their families once they are outside the control of their parents. This means that it is individual personality that mostly influences the value systems of people. According to Lewis, â€Å"it would appear that the influence of social or peer pressure as well as parental beliefs is only temporary for well-developed people†(Lewis, 301). At younger ages, the individual may not have the mental capacity to bear the consequences of refusing to adopt the preferred values as determined by society as well as parents. However, with adulthood comes maturity as well as the freedom to be able to make personal decisions and support them in spite of opposition. Once an adult begins making personal decisions that have nothing to do
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Walmart -Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Walmart -Planning - Essay Example Overview of planning Planning is considered to be the first step in doing anything. Planning comprises of a scheduled set of activities and tasks which are pre-defined and resources, cost, material, labor and time is also determined in advance for every activity in the planning process. Without planning, there is no set route to follow and everything goes haywire. Chances of discrepancies, inadequacies, risks and gaps increase in the absence of planning process. Planning can take the form of short or long term planning. In the former case, planning is not much in-depth and focuses on achieving short term monetary benefits. Long term planning is meant to gain strategic advantage because all other elements of managing, controlling and organizing are then aligned with that of strategic planning to fulfill desired goals. Wal-Mart’s vision and mission Wal-Mart’s successful operations are attributed to its cost leadership strategy which has always been focused on its customer (Center for Applied Research 2005). While its vision/mission statement goes as "Wal-Mart’s mission is to help people save money so they can live better†, its stores slogans also compliment its vision and mission statement which run as "Wal-Mart. Always low price. Always." Thus, cost effectiveness and providing products and services at rock bottom prices stand at the core of any planning or managing process at Wal-Mart. Planning at Wal-Mart is a mix of both strategic and day-to-day planning. When we talk of strategic goals, it refer to supplier selection, optimizing on technological inputs, use of automation techniques, software and other decisions which provide a competitive edge to it. Daily routine planning involves inventory control and management, quality control, distribution systems, et cetera (Goodstein, Nolan & Pfeiffer 1993, p.131). Application of planning process within Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is considered as a value driven company and this value addition is attri buted to its strategic planning in operational, tactical and contingency categories. It has always decided in advance where it wants to go, how and which activities to focus upon to achieve desired objectives. Wal-Mart’s planning process spans across all of its functions namely store management, finance, human resources, operations, information technology and strategic management. On tactical front, it has always devised plans and means on how to attract customers and stick to its low cost proposition. This is what gives way to its EDLP (Every Day Low Pricing) strategy. In operations side also, Wal-Mart exercises collaborative planning and forecasting relationship (CPFR) with that of its suppliers as it believes that involvement of suppliers in critical decisions helps reduce costs and improve quality. This way, it is able to extract synergies from that of its partners and develop long term relations with them. From financial perspective, separate committee is formed comprisi ng of 3-4 members who meet regularly and discuss issues pertaining to the capital structure, financial status, global policies, acquisitions, investments and annual financing plans. Within strategic planning, the committee also analyzes the basic goals to be achieved and in this respect, reviews its relations with investors, stakeholders, banks, financial institutions and others. Regular monitoring and check on its dividend policy and annual budgeting process enables undeviated implementation of set plans
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Issues in Multicultural Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Issues in Multicultural Education - Essay Example As part of the solution, the people who are involved comprise of the community elders who shall induct such teachers and mentors who have no difficulty in coming up with the standards and levels of the students and the ones who are gaining education in more than a single way. This is so needed because the same people are involved within the problem phase as are the ones in the solution element. The distinction of people depends entirely on how a task is cut out and what kind of activities come about with the passage of time under differential circumstances. The proposed solution is that the multicultural education is an important affair and should be treated with the required respect that it richly deserves (Bertera, 2007). The people involved with education and making the entire process possible are the ones who have to bring about a change, and that too for the betterment of all and sundry. This is because the multicultural education norms highlight the element of success that the community elders are instilling within the students who want to attain new heights and learn a number of new trades in the changing professional world of today. The proposed solution takes into account that the funding initiatives are handled properly and without much fuss. It would mean that the people involved at different levels find the best possible solution for collective growth and development of the students for which the multicultural education is in place in entirety. The elements that will be needed in order to implement the proposed solution comprise of the money issues that engulf the multicultural education in essence. This means that the multicultural education will only be seen as a point of strength if the educational levels are properly addressed and when there are enough budgeting inputs by the people who matter the most within the related domains of inculcating quality education within the diverse set of students. Thus the time element is also an important consid eration when one speaks of the aspect of multicultural education bringing in sound results (Oikonomidoy, 2009). The projected timeline to implement the solution is around a year’s time. This is the time during which the multicultural education would be exponentially enhanced and its success would therefore be dependent on significant steps, all of which are undertaken by the community members on a proactively consistent basis. This time is enough to analyze the problem at hand when one speaks of the multicultural education and its varied norms (Coutts, 2007). Also there would be enough time in between to take care of the negatives which would arise in the wake of undertaking certain steps. It would comprise of the steps that have been left unattended as well as the ones which were never fulfilled in the first place. The projected outcome of the entire exercise of multicultural education is that it will put the people in close perspectives of one another, and ask of them to br ing about success as it is required by the students.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Characteristics of Maggie and Don in the Rainbow Bird Essay Example for Free
Characteristics of Maggie and Don in the Rainbow Bird Essay Maggie is a nature-lover fascinated by nature. Instead of paying attention in class, Maggies mind had been filled with a vision of the bird. This clearly shows that she is so enthralled by the rainbow bird that she cannot concentrate in class. From what her mother said, Its a bird now, I can infer that she may have other interests before. In school, she carried beetles wings and cowries about in her desk to stare at and this shows that she is a person who loves nature. Her love for nature is also evident in the way she reacts when she finds out that the Honey Man killed the rainbow bird and its family. Her anger and sorrow reveal how much the bird means to her. She is secretive, loner and is misunderstood by others. Maggie refuses to let her friends know about her secret about the rainbow bird. She is afraid that if they find out about the rainbow bird, they will start teasing and making fun of her. Maggie is very emotional, sensitive and revengeful. Upon hearing about the rainbow birds death, Maggie lets herself get worked up and started to curse the Honey Man. This is evident in He will die. I know he will.. Serve him right, too She hates the Honey Man so much that she describes him as a devil and a beast and wished that forked lightning would leaped out of the sky and char him to ashes. This clearly shows that Maggie holds a grudge against the Honey Man and is revengeful. Maggie immediately questioned the Honey Man, Whatre you doing with that gun? This shows that Maggie is very straightforward and rude because she did not greet the Honey Man when she saw him. Immediately after school, Maggie raced down constantly urging Don to hurry up. This shows that she is anxious to meet the rainbow bird and impatient. She told Don to chuck the bird away and Don obeyed her. Maggie was able to make Don listen to her and able to control Don. Maggie could identify that it was Cafferty the Honey Man who was the big, dark figure on the slope. She could see a lump in his pocket. Maggie watched the Honey Mans every move and is therefore observant. Even though the rainbow bird is dead, Maggie is still hating the Honey Man that he killed the bird. She also thought that the people were burying the rainbow bird. This shows that she is unrealistic and was still thinking about the rainbow bird. Maggie is imaginative. Although the rainbow bird is dead, Maggie is trying to imagine the rainbow bird and thought that the people were burying the rainbow bird. This shows that Maggie is very imaginative. Upon hearing that the Honey Man is charging six-pence for every rainbow bird, Don planned to go hunting for rainbow birds with other boys. He was not on his sisters side and wanted to kill the rainbow birds for money. This shows that Don is greedy. Don obeyed his sister and chuck the rainbow bird away. Don wanted to feel if there were any little ones in the nest without considering that the mother bird would go away. He did not know that there was someone near the nest and was about to go on but Maggie stopped him. This clearly shows that he is rash, and do things without thinking. Even though the rainbow is dead, Don pretended he did not care and did not console his sister. He did not feel sad when the rainbow bird is dead. This shows that he is unfeeling and cruel.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Romanticism And Realism Art And Literature English Literature Essay
Romanticism And Realism Art And Literature English Literature Essay The history of art and literature was developed under the influence of different intellectual movement, the most prominent and important of which are Romanticism and Realism. Romanticism was a complex artistic, literary and intellectual movement of 18th-19th century that appeared in Europe and was spread all over the world. It appeared as a reaction to rationalism and mechanistic aesthetics of classicism and the Enlightenment. It was one of the most complex and internally contradictory phenomena in the history of culture. Disappointment in the ideals of the Enlightenment, in the results of the French Revolution, the denial of utilitarianism of modern reality, the principles of bourgeois practicality, whose victims was human individuality, a pessimistic view of prospects for social development were combined in romanticism with the desire of harmony and spiritual integrity of the individual with a tendency towards infinity, the search for new, absolute and unconditional ideals. Sharp d iscord between the ideals and oppressive reality made romantics feel the morbidly fatalistic sense of indignation, bitter mockery of the discrepancy between dreams and reality. Specific of the romantic art is the problem of two worlds; writers of that time compared and contrasted the real and imaginary worlds. And the reality, the prose of life with their utilitarianism and lack of spirituality were understood as subhuman empty sense, which opposed the true world of values. Representatives of Romanticism sharply condemned urban culture and left it for description of the Middle Ages or nature. In the quiet life of countryside and simplicity they looked for the salvation from social problems of urban life, opposing it to a simple uncorrupted life of the province. Simple way of life was their ideal, and for example, William Wordsworth showed it in fiction. He set a rule to take a creative material from everyday life, to make out it in ordinary manner, using an ordinary language(Sutherland 125). In his Preface to Lyrical Ballads, he said that the chose an ordinary life because all components of it are natural and truthful, simple life does not contradict the beautiful and sustainable forms of nature (Wordsworth 6). As a real romantic writer, Wordsworth wrote a lot about people and nature. Conventional farmers are well represented in the ballad We Are Seven, and for example his Excursion Book is an example of magnificent descriptions of nature. At the same time, another outstanding representative of English Romanticism, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the author of Ancient Mariner, Christabel and other novels, showed the strange mix of reality and fiction. He was the representative of English Romanticism, oriented on desire for the miraculous. Coleridge chose the area of events and characters of fiction and romantic genre, giving them human interest and a semblance of reality, which attracts readers. Such gradual transition from reality to pure fantasy is the main reception of Coleridge; it magically works in the Ancient Mariner, where incidents of an ordinary voyage transform to the area of wonders, where the natural and the supernatural merge into an indivisible unit. American Romanticism differed from European. In America, romantic ideas have contributed to the spiritual and aesthetic knowledge. Romantics argued that art more than science was able to express the truth. Romantics underscored the importance of art for people and the whole society. For example, in the essay The Poet, written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most influential writers of Romanticism, the author stated: All men live under the laws of truth and need a way to express their thoughts. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦The man is only a half of himself; the second half of him is thats how he expresses his feelings (Emerson 109). Representatives of Romanticism criticized the reality, for example the works of American novelist William Howells The Lady of the Aroostook, Chance meeting show the strong influence of romanticism on the author. The novels of William Howells contain criticism of American reality, which increases and in later works even socialist ideas appear (Through the Eye of the Needle). Thus, the features of Romanticism in varying degrees are common for many artists. Romanticism is inherent in paintings and drawings of Swiss Henry Fuseli. In his works, grim sophisticated grotesque breaks in through the classical clarity of images. Also romantism is inherent in mystical visionary works of poet and artist William Blake and works of the late Francisco Goya, full of unbridled fantasy, tragic pathos, and passionate protest against the national humiliation in Spain. In France, it is inherent in created during the revolutionary years heroic portraits by Jacques-Louis David, early dramatic compositions and portraits by Antoine-Jean Gros, dreamy and lyrical works of Pierre-Paul Prudhon and also in the works by Francois P. Gerard, who combines romantic tendencies with the academic methods. The works of many later Western romantics are imbued with pessimism in towards society. The heroes of many romantic works (Franà §ois-Renà © de Chateaubriand, Alfred de Musset, George Byron, Alfred de Vigny, Alphonse de Lamartine, Heinrich Heine, etc.) were influenced by the mood of hopelessness and despair, which acquired the common human nature. The main themes of works sounded like: the perfection is lost forever, the world is ruled evil, the ancient chaos is resurrecting. The theme of terrible world was inherent to all romantic literature, and the most clearly it was embodied in the so-called black genre (in Gothic novel Ann Radcliffe, Charles Maturin; in the drama of fate or tragedy of fate Heinrich von Kleist, Franz Grillparzer), and also in the works of George Byron, Clemens Brentano, Ernst Theodor Wilhelm Hoffmann, Edgar Allan Poe, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. Realism was an intellectual movement, characterized by truthful and objective reflection of reality by specific means that were peculiar to various forms of art. During the historical development of art realism there were formed concrete forms of some creative methods, such as educational, critical, and socialist. Various realistic trends were expressed in different types and genres of art. Hence, there were two opposite directions in the theory, one realism the desire of the art to reproduce, to show the reality truly; and the other idealism the desire of the art to complete the reality, to create new forms. And the starting point doesnt consist of real facts, but of ideal representation. The first American writer, who has fully realized the idea of realism in art, was Mark Twain. His work was developed under the influence of critical realism, which objectively reflected the American reality first in comic and later in satiric way (Licentiousness of Print, Running For Governor). The authors later works, such as pamphlets and satirical short stories (The man who seduced Gedliberg, The United States of Lyncherdom, Monologue of the king) show the true face of American imperialism. Henry James was also one of the brightest representatives of realism; he was one of the first in American literature, who spoke against the bourgeois banality of reality. Dissatisfaction of American way of life forced him to move to Europe, so many characters of his works were the Americans who emigrated from the United States (Roderick Hudson, The American). In the novel, The Bostonians he sharply and uncompromisingly criticized the U.S. reality that is the essence of realism. Many realists wrote prose narrative stories about the fate of ordinary people, the epic of private life. The most important realist novel of the 18th century were written in the UK (Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Tobias George Smollett, Laurence Sterne), in France (Antoine Franà §ois Prà ©vost, Denis Diderot, Jean-Jacques Rousseau), in Germany (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe). The most interesting fact is that very often the heroes of novels were not monarchs and nobles, but people of middle class the merchants, townspeople, soldiers, sailors, etc., showing them in everyday family life. There is also a need to mention that in the middle of the 19th century Realism changed. If the main characters of Stendhal, Balzac and Dickens could withstand adverse conditions, then European Realism of the 2nd half of the century represents mainly the alienation of personality, its leveling, the loss of character, will, the resilience of environment. It is particularly expressive shown by William Thackeray and Gustave Flaubert. However, this kind of alienation, partly in the UK (George Eliot), but particularly in Russia (Ivan Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy) resisted adoption of high humanity and the struggle for humane ideals. The depth of philosophical problems in the works of Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky, the widest coverage of social reality, compassion for the fate of the insulted and injured, the subtlety of psychological analysis made these writers famous. Summarizing, it is possible to say that Realism in literature and art was characterized by the wish of artists to depict, represent the reality as it was. Artists of Realism represented the life in the way the person actually sees it, using the forms of the life itself. At the same time, Romanticism is characterized by denial of current reality, the criticism of capitalist civilization, new forms of subjugation of the masses, reproof of philistine stagnant and limited parties of the bourgeois culture and spiritual life. Most representatives of Romanticism criticized the reality; they were unsatisfied with it and couldnt accept it. Artists of both, Romanticism and Realism left a great heritage their wonderful works of art.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Struggle Between Two Sides: Church and State Essay -- christians, c
The separation of the state and church refers to the distinct distance in the relationship that exists between the national state and the organized church. Although the aspect of separation between the state and the church has worked in a number of nations, the degree of separation varies depending on the valid legal policies and laws in relationship with the prevalence views on the religious aspect of the society. In most of the nations that practice such separation, there exists distinct rules and regulation between church and state. However, between the two entities, there will always exists a way through which the two entities will interact and consult each other as individual entities (Hamburger 67). People should not push Christian beliefs on American’s that do not want it , we should stick with our background as a Christian nation because most of American’s categorize themselves as Christians and our country has always been prosperous why change it now. In some nations such as France and Turkey, the level of relations that exists between the nations and the church simply does not contribute to any reforms and law enforcing togetherness. Each of the entities in the nation act independent hence gives diverse opinion concerning issues affecting the nation as a whole. While in other nations such as United Kingdom and Denmark, the constitutional recognizes the official state and the religious organization working together for the common good of the nations (Hall 111). In general, the separation of the church and the state is an aspect that will affect both the involved parties. Gross dictates that, â€Å"†¦.both the nation and its legal departments directly or indirectly depend on the religious organizations†(Gross 192). The contr... ...ishment: Church and State in Nineteenth-century America. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010. Print. Gross, Michael B. The War against Catholicism: Liberalism and the Anti-Catholic Imagination in Nineteenth-century Germany. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 2004. Print. Hall, Timothy L. Separating Church and State: Roger Williams and Religious Liberty. Urbana: University of Illinois, 2007. Print. Hamburger, Philip. Separation of Church and State. Cambridge, Mass. ;London: Harvard UP, 2002. Print. Johnson, Alvin Walter, and Frank H. Yost. Separation of Church and State in the United States,. [Minneapolis?]: Minnesota Archive Editions, 2011. Print. Scherer, Matthew. Beyond Church and State: Democracy, Secularism, and Conversion. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013. Print. Shiffrin, Steven H. The Religious Left and Church-state Relations. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2012. Print.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Abraham Lincoln :: essays research papers
Abraham Lincoln      Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, was very important to the past history of our country. He helped to abolish slavery in this country and kept the American Union from splitting apart during the Civil War.      At 22, he moved to New Salem, Illinois. With his gift for swapping stories and making friends, he became quite popular and was elected to the Illinois legislature in 1834. In his spare time, he taught himself law and became a lawyer. In 1847, he was elected to the U.S. Congress, but returned to his law practice until 1858, when his concern about the spread of slavery prompted him to return to national politics and run for the U.S. Senate.      Lincoln rose to greatness from a humble beginning. Born in 1809 in a log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln spent most of his childhood working on the family farm. He had less than a year of school but managed to educate himself by studying and reading books on his own.      He believed that slavery and democracy were fundamentally incompatible. In an 1858 speech, he said: What constitutes the bulwark of our own liberty and independance? It is not our frowning battlements, our bristling sea coats, our army and our navy . . . Our defense is in the spirit which prized liberty as the heritage of all men, in all lands everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism at your own doors. Familiarize yourself with the chains of bondage and you prepare your own limbs to wear them (World Book Encyclopedia).      He lost his campaign for the Senate, but during the debates with his opponent Stephen Douglas, he became well known for his opposotion to slavery. The southern states, which believed they depended upon slavery to remain prosperous in the cotton, tobacco, and rice industries, threatened to secede from the nation if Lincoln won the election. Lincoln was inaugurated on March 4, 1861, and by April 12, the southern states had formed the Confedrate States of America and the Civil War began.
Examining the Madness of Hamlet Portrayed in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay
The theme of madness in Hamlet has been a widely popular topic in the discussion of the play by both critics and readers alike. It is quite simple to see the reason why, since the play confronts us with evidence to prove the validity of the claim to Hamlet’s true madness, or, rather, a view that the actions and words arising from the apparent madness, is but an feigned "antic disposition" as proclaimed by Hamlet himself. This uncertainty in my view, is the question that has bothered many readers of the play, since a dramatic device like this has it’s purpose. What that purpose is however, is not made clear because of the conflicting evidence of that can be found within the play that supports or contradicts each other. Some have even attributed this uncertainty as carelessness on Shakespeare’s part. My view however is that the unresolved tension these questions bring up, have a part in playing out the plot and also in showing the uncertainties of human nature. Mad ness in my view, is not an absolute concept. It’s occurrence varies with the situation, or for Hamlet, it varies in the degree he allows his emotions to carry him. The significance of madness in the plot can be seen on two levels. First, on the more superficial level of the plot itself, where madness on Hamlet’s part seeks to disarm his enemy, Claudius, in order that he may buy time to affirm the Ghost’s allegations. On a deeper level, this madness reflects the true nature of his deeper psychological self, and poses questions of his behavior. It is the fact of these two levels co-existing that brings about the ambiguity of Hamlet’s true nature, since both these ideas seem to contradict and even clash with one another. The first reason, that to disarm Claudius’s suspi... help Hamlet, is faithful to father’s wishes and shares secrets with her brother. However, Hamlet’s deterioration, coupled with the wrath of his anger made to kill her father, upsets her to her breaking point. As poor Ophelia cannot see why her world changes suddenly with the stabbing of her father by her lover. It is too shocking, unlike Hamlet’s gradual process into deterioration, whose pivotal point was slower. That is why she plunges into a much deeper madness than Hamlet. Her brother, being far away in France is unable to do anything. Her loneliness thus compounds her sorrow further, leaving her no one to turn to. In conclusion, my answer to whether Hamlet is mad is thus; he was mad, but mad in a way that unlike Ophelia’s more conventional madness of the mind, was that of the heart. Hamlet’s madness came out of rage and emotion that bubbled silently within.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Global village Essay
America was a time of challenging authority and established conventions. It was into this era that a Professor of Media studies at Toronto University rose to media personality status. Marshall Mcluhan is famous for introducing society to catchy aphorisms such as â€Å"the medium is the message†. Although his theories have always been contested, they were popular at the time and are currently enjoying a revival. One such theory is his vision of the â€Å"Global Village†which I will discuss in this essay. To understand the term, a comprehension of some of his other ideas is necessary. Mcluhan was influenced by Harold Adams Innis who suggested that each medium of communication had a time â€Å"bias†which affected the stability of society. In short, he saw that â€Å"time biased†media such as stone carving would endure time and lead to a stable society. â€Å"Space biased†media, such as papyrus, could easily be revised and lead to an unstable culture (Meyrowitz 1985:17). Mcluhan went beyond this to suggest that different media have â€Å"sensory bias†(Postman went beyond this to argue that the medium contains an â€Å"ideological bias†). Mcluhan saw each new media invention as an extension of some human faculty. In The Medium is the Massage he notes, â€Å"All new media are extensions of some human faculty†(Mcluhan and Fiore 1967:26). The book illustrates some examples; the wheel of the foot, the book of the eye, clothing of the skin and electronic circuitry of the central nervous system. In terms of the â€Å"global village†the last extension is the most important. He saw us as breaking our ties with a local society and, through our new electronic extensions, connecting globally to a new world of total involvement. â€Å"We now live in a Global Village†¦a simultaneous happening†(Mcluhan & Fiore 1967:63). He refers to the village as a global community, existing with a level of connection associated with small rural settlings. We can see evidence for this in terms of what is sometimes termed an â€Å"always on†culture. News travels instantaneously across the globe, 1 in 6 people own a mobile phone (Guardian 2002) and the Internet smashes old barriers of communication. However, the Internet was in its infancy when Mcluhan used the term, which was first used in response to radio. There is some debate over the origin of the term â€Å"global village†. Eric Mcluhan writes that James Joyce reffered to a similar phrase, as did Wyndham Lewis. His opinion is that his father was probably already developing the concept and found it referenced in Lewis’ work afterwards. Mcluhan’s view of the â€Å"Global Village†was positive. He saw it championing greater social involvement and wrote, â€Å"In an electronic information environment, minority groups can no longer be ignored†This is a technological determinist attitude as it holds the medium as the single key to their involvement. Mcluhan also notes, â€Å"there is absolutely no inevitability as long as there is a willingness to contemplate what is happening†(Mcluhan and Fiore 1967:25). This is rather at odds with some of Mcluhan’s other material. He often makes poetically powerful statements about our helplessness in the face of technology (â€Å"All media work us over completely†(Mcluhan & Fiore 1967:26)). Digital TV offers increasing interactivity with Internet functions such as e-mail and online banking available next to greater entertainment choices. It is being put to an alternative use in sheltered housing by allowing residents in difficulty to contact the manager; an example of how new technology is including minority groups. However, with the advent of digital TV the Government has come under pressure to sell the broadcasting spectrum that analogue occupies and is planning to do so before 2010. The effects of this look set to create a greater divide than the one it healed. 50% of homes currently have digital TV but a third of homes are unable to receive digital TV at all. A report by the Department of Trade and Industry found that 6% of the population are likely to object to the switch-off based on the cost of upgrading and the belief that we watch too much TV (The Observer, 2004). If the analogue signal were to be switched off, those who couldn’t (or wouldn’t) receive digital TV would have no access to TV. The gap between rich and poor would accelerate and a greater social divide would exist. Technological Determinists refer to a â€Å"technological revolution†and since the invention of this term there has been concern for those left outside. The issue is more complex than Mcluhan presents it and subject to factors beyond that of just the medium. In Mcluhan’s time the Internet was far from the widespread facility it is today. He died in 1980, but only 5 years later the system to which the phrase â€Å"online community†is most pertinent was operational. Internet forums allow a number of people across the globe to converse in real time. The Internet seems to provide the most convincing argument for the â€Å"global village†. With broadband most actions are instant, allowing the user to converse, transfer money, view information and order products regardless of geography. Mcluhan’s idea of electronic circuitry extending the nervous system is easier to comprehend when you consider someone sitting down at a computer. The physical action of typing becomes the cause, but the effect is realised in an electronic global network. Meyrowitz notes how â€Å"At one time, parents had the ability to discipline a child by sending the child to his or her room-a form of ex-communication from social interaction†(Meyrowitz 1985:Preface). This is no longer the case. The Internet offers the possibility of extending our central nervous system across the globe. It is intrinsic in today’s society and much has been written over its social effects. Wellman and Gulia remark, â€Å"those on either side of this debate assert that the Internet will create either wonderful new forms of community or will destroy communication altogether†(Wellman: â€Å"The Networked Community†). The reality is unlikely to be as clear as this (although Mcluhan’s â€Å"global village†would suggest that it is). Meyrowitz has argued that new media blur the boundaries between public and private behaviour (Meyrowitz 1985:93-114). The same headline in a newspaper and read by a newsreader are two different messages. Print media does not invite the same depth of character analysis that TV does. The public broadcast begins to merge a private situation and invites a personal reading of the presenter. The personal homepage is an explicit example of the blurring between public and private boundaries. People from all walks of life are making available to the connected world their presentation of themselves. Cheung notes how it can be emancipatory as it allows you to rehearse your presentation (Cheung 2000). Unlike face-to-face communication you can refine your presentation until you are content. Mcluhan envisaged the â€Å"global village†as creating a greater level of social involvement and to some extent we can see this happening with the personal homepage. Individuals are reaching out to a global mass audience to say, â€Å"this is me†. Grosswiler notes that Mcluhan â€Å"would have agreed with the idea that electronic media increase the desire for closeness and intimacy in the Global Village†(Grosswiler 1998:118). However there is a problem in defining what we mean by â€Å"closeness and intimacy†. A personal webpage is more personal than the BBC homepage but not as personal as face-to-face communication. Mcluhan would argue that the â€Å"closeness and intimacy†on the personal webpage is the only type that exists as we live in the â€Å"global village†. For Mcluhan there was no other village and intimacy could be with anyone, anywhere. There is a tendency by those who consider the Internet in a technologically determinist way to view it in isolation. The Internet is for most people not the totality of their social interaction, although it is becoming increasing possible to live your life without human contact. It is possible to order almost everything you could need using the Internet, yet town centres still exist. I may talk to friends online but the majority of communication with them will be face-to-face. Mcluhan is often accused of exaggerating his conclusions and this is evident. While the personal webpage is popular it doesn’t provide a substantial system of interaction. It also clear that while a minority of people make friends online, face-to-face interactions comprise the majority. Mcluhan’s famous aphorism â€Å"the medium is the message,†represents the belief that the medium itself has social impact of which the masses are usually considered to be unaware. If the power of the media is so great, how is it that determinists such as Mcluhan can stand outside of it to comment? Furthermore Mcluhan thought that as soon as we are aware of something as environment, a greater process must be in effect (Mcluhan, Eric). However, Mcluhan was considered knowledgeable enough to sit on a board set up to examine â€Å"the totality of communications problems in modern society†(McBride cited in Briggs and Burke 2002:258-260). The outcome of this report would have made interesting reading but unfortunately political conditions halted proceedings. Maybe I would be discussing a different concept if the report had gone ahead. Mcluhan once remarked that the one thing a fish is not aware of is water. The water determines everything the fish does yet the fish is blissfully unaware. The point is that we are the fish and technology our water. However this doesn’t prove the argument, it simply explains it. At first glance the phrase appears clever yet contains no empirical evidence and is typical of Mcluhan’s inventive and persuasive useful of language. Mcluhan’s global village is perceived as optimistic. Yet a Marxist interpretation offered by Ang notes that â€Å"the making of the â€Å"global village†can be rewritten as the transformation, or domestication, of the non-Western Other in the name of capitalist modernity†(Ang 1996:150-180 cited in Grosswiler 1998:142). While the idea of the spread of communication remains constant, it is seen to destroy individual non-western cultures to make way for capitalist exploitation. The sociologist Tom Nairn argues that while Mcluhan’s â€Å"global village†could be reality, it is prevented from being so by the social forms of capitalism†(Nairn 1968:150 cited in Grosswiler 1998:34). He is not denying that it is achievable, but notes, â€Å"The potential of electric media is, in fact, in contradiction with a great deal of the actual social world†. He accuses Mcluhan of creating myths and ignoring the contradictions of his theory. The graphic below compare the distribution of Internet routers and the global population. (Soon-Hyung Yook, Hawoong Jeong, and Albert-Laszlo Barabasi at http://www. cybergeography. org/atlas/geographic. html) It is obvious from the map that the majority of the world is not connected. According to this the â€Å"global village†is made up of a minority of the worlds population. This is a model far from creating greater social involvement and has the potential to create a global divide between the connected and the unconnected. In my introduction I cited a statistic claiming that 1 in 6 people own a mobile phone in support of the â€Å"global village†concept. As with Mcluhan’s aphorisms this initially seems persuasive but closer inspection reveals the truth. The statistic suggests proportionality. As Briggs and Burke explain, â€Å"While there were 600 million telephones in the world in 1982, half the world’s population lived in countries which together had fewer than ten million†. Again this undermines the â€Å"global village†vision and adds empirical weight to Nairn’s criticism that the potential of the media is in contradiction with reality. As with the Internet, the â€Å"global village†is presented here as almost exclusively existing between developed western countries. Mcluhan’s vision dictated that minorities couldn’t fail to be incorporated, yet they have been excluded by virtue of being unconnected. Furthermore the Marxist view upholds that where third-world nations are included, it is only as means of stripping them of identity for capitalist ends. These points considered, it seems that Mcluhan’s vision is not a reality. Much of the world is unconnected and I need cite no evidence that it has not led to world peace. However, it should be noted that Africa is currently leading the way in the realms of mobile phone ownership. It has become the first continent in which the number of mobile phone users exceeds that of landline subscribers. A report â€Å"has estimated that there will be 60 million people using mobile phones by the end of the year – more than double the 27 million who have a landline†and mobile phone ownership is growing at an annual rate of 65%, double the global average (Guardian, May 2004). It seems that we may be fast heading toward a â€Å"global village†. However even with Africa’s growth in mobile phone ownership, this still only brings the total to 6% of the population (Guardian, May 2004) and Internet access is considerably lower. While it may be true that a virtual village has been created, it is far from the all-inclusive global vision that Mcluhan prophesised.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Paradise Lost and Adam’s response to the Gospel
That all this good of evil shall produce, [470] And evil turn to good; more wonderful Then that which by creation first brought forth Light out of darkness! full of doubt I stand, Whether I should repent me now of sin By mee done and occasiond, or reJoyce [ 475 ] Much more, that much more good thereof shall spring, To God more glory, more good will to Men From God, and over wrauth grace shall abound. (Milton, 12. 469-477) The passage above is about Adam responding to Gabriel's message about the Gospel.Gabriel has Just told Adam the story of how through Adam and Eve's mistake Jesus overcame sin. â€Å"But to the Cross he nailes thy Enemies,†and â€Å"Shall bruise the head of Satan, crush his strength†(Milton, 12. 430,415). The news of Jesus' gracious victory over sin and death overwhelms Adam. He responds in lines 471-472 by saying that the post-fallen world (with Jesus) is greater than the pre-fallen world in the Garden of Eden. Adam is basically saying he does not fe el as bad for the fall ecause of the good that will â€Å"spring†(line 476) forth from it.I think this passage is very neat and speaks a whole lot to the work of Jesus in my life. So much evil has come from the fall, and sometimes I ask myself, â€Å"if God is all- knowing, then why did he make humans when he knew that we would fall? †The whole poem has helped me understand that â€Å"why'. Specifically the passage above ultimately, more good has come through Jesus, than bad has from sin and death! This takes some weight off my shoulders whenever I sin and fall short.I now see that God's grace and love is more powerful than anything bad that I can do. Jesus had slain sin and death, and I am victorious through Him. Even seeing Adam's cheerfulness after the good news makes me see the fall of humankind differently; it reminds me to look at Jesus rather than at my sin. In my discussion with my friend about this passage and the poem as a whole, I learned the power of lit erature. This poem speaks not only about Christianity, but also about the history of beliefs.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Alvar Alto Design Theory Paimio Sanatorium
The figurehead of modernism and leader of bringing architecture back to the human scale that once was, Alvar Aalto is now an architectural inspiration to us all. Aalto did not use his architecture as a learning tool but more as a gesture toward the emotional and physical needs of man. His architecture was meant to enrich the lives of those it served. Aalto focused on context in site in relation to the human body. Forms, light and shadow were inspired by the Finnish forests Aalto grew up near.When he was a child he made drawings of the landscape that influenced his later built projects in their relationships to horizons and vertical connections, sections and ground plan. He brought us buildings that involved form, light, and color, along with many other attributes all over the world including the Viipuri Library, the Paimio Sanatorium, and even Mt. Angel Library here in Oregon. Functional Room Functional Design The rooms in the patients' wing are arranged on the north side of the corr idor.By siting the rooms on one side only, Aalto was able to bring natural light into the corridor and give the patients the feeling that they were in control of the space. Aalto studied the angle of the sunlight in conjunction with the heating system. Sun blinds were fixed outside the windows to cut down solar gain. The whole building was designed in every aspect to make the patients confinement tolerable and to assist in their healing. Their room's were designed with a horizontal person in mind.The source of heat comes down from the ceiling, one wall was lined in absorbent insulation to make acoustics more restful, and the window frames in the rooms were timber to reduce condensation and be warmer to touch. the washbasins were designed to run silently and had to be hygienic and easy to clean (unsuccessfully in practice). The pipe work was concealed in the walls, whereas prior to this pipes were usually surface-fixed. Aalto had his own ideas about the ceilings for example. The ceil ing of the room should be the colour of the sky,†The lighting came from a wall mounted uplighter out of the patients sight where it was diffused throughout the room. Since the ceiling was painted in darker tones, the ceiling area reflecting the light had to be painted a lighter one. The door handles were created with as much methodical attention to detail. They were designed so coat sleeves or pockets couldn't get caught and they had rounded edges in case patients should happen to knock into them. Rose cellar In the Sanatorium death was an everyday reality, so naturally there was a mortuary on the site.The Rose Cellar, as the mortyary was called, disappeared into the terrain and took its name from the roses covering the mound of earth in front of it; only the holes drilled into the wooden door in the form of a cross gave a clue as to the use of the building. The mortuary is a light, whitewashed concrete vault lit by a roof light. A black-painted wooden catafalque rests on the brick-red floor and the partition that divides the curved vault has an abstract painting by Aalto and the Turku artist Eino Kauria. Viper hall The nurses' home, known as the ‘hall of vipers', was designed and built in 1060-63.It is a two-storey, four-part building, with each part joined to the next by an drawn-in linking element. It departs from Aalto's 1930s buildings mainly in that, instead of a flat roof, it has a pitched roof and the detailing does not focus nearly as much on metal. The name is derived from the fact that the building wriggles gently across the terrain. Stairs Tuberculosis was treated with fresh air, so that sun beds suitable for external use were needed. They emerged as the result of some specialist design work, as did the ‘winter sleeping bags' made of sheepskin that were part of the sun beds.The whole interior of the building is pervaded by health giving light, most powerfully in the stair cases, where sun spills down huge areas of glazing. Where the effort of climbing was incorporated as part of the healing process. Tree section Aalto believed that â€Å"the health of every person depends to a great extent on his submission to the conditions of nature†This came from the fact that medicine was not advanced enough to heal alone, so healing came from being take out of the crowded, disease infested cities where the sun, space and breeze of the country would help heal.The flat finnish landscape made a stepped section unsuitable, the roof terrace is then used for treatment for summer and winter alike stretching the entire length of the patient ward, where the healthier patients could go and take in the spectacular views across the vast forest, each sun-deck beneath was cantilevered to take in the sunshine, like the branches of a tree. Organism for Healing The health of every person depends a great extent on his submission to the condition of nature.The outer buildings are module starting with the head physicians house the y grow and multiply like they are a dividing organism until you get to the patients ward and the rooms are almost exponential in comparison. The building is designed to be a organism for healing, each room is catered to the patient with the use of sun, greenery, and space it helps them in their healing process. Forest The Patients rooms looked out over an unhabited forest which is visually brought into the building as posts, vertical lines, windows and columns.The pine forest was a powerful source of healing and hope for the finish patients, it is also therapeutic to the community who's collective soul deeply embraces the protective wood's and tree's. It is hard to imagine the impact the sanatorium must have had on patients. The dedication to serving their needs manifested in every detail and the optimistic uplifteing quality of it's light filled spaces. Symmetry as parts (medical and proper man) vs. Asymmetry as a whole (natural and living) The plan of the building is laid out in d ifferent sections.Each section is symmetric or on a central axis. The building as a whole does not have a central axis but is asymmetrically in balance. Sort of like a human body that is being treated for a certain condition. The focus is put on parts of the physical body, but as a whole the body makes up a person or a human being. Technology is manmade – human creating a function from natural sources Aalto liked to use materials in their natural state in his buildings. He also liked to take advantage of how modern technology could assist the daily needs of the people in his buildings.In the Sanitarium, he created manmade elements made from elements close to their natural state as a gesture towards to needs of the patients, doctors, and nurses using the spaces. Plasticity and Fluidity (like natures organic forms) Throughout the Paimio Sanitarium, certain spaces have a plastic form that is almost like a landmark in that area of the building. These forms seem to mimic the organ ic forms that can be found in nature like the curve of the terrain on the hill, or the edge of the tree creating a fluid line that separates its branches from the sky.They are found in the central stair of the tower and the overhang above the entrance to the building. Facing the Sun During this time there were not any antibiotics or specific medicines for the treatment of tuberculosis. The best treatment for the condition was dry climate, greenery, fresh, clean air, and a lot of sun. With having a south facing slope it makes sense to position the patients' rooms and the roof terrace to face the sun. A Landscape representing time – modern, ancient, and current. This picture really represents a lot of different times in the culture of the area.The pastures and fields in the foreground represent the current lives of the citizens of Paimio – they are healthy, providing resources and going about their daily lives. In the middle ground there is the forest- it is natural grow th and holds a sort of history in the culture of the people. Then, rising above it all is the Sanitarium – a modern piece of architecture at the time that still stands as a landmark. Architecturally, it was a glimpse into what would be in the future and functionally it was a humble reminder of the hard times.Conclusion. The solution Aalto created for solving the needs of people to fit in with their comfortable natural state while gaining the positive effects of the industrialization at the time was to give people the creative freedom to make their spaces unique to themselves and their needs. He wanted people to remember their individualism. Finding the potential value in humans and emphasizing their common needs became Aalto's main purpose in architecture in his later years. This can be seen in his public buildings as well as in his churches and houses.Aalto believed that people should live a democratic and individualistic lifestyle. He called for the humanization of all thin gs including his architecture. It was important to address how humans move and travel through space and also how they inhabit it. The needs of the user were considered. In all of his projects, Aalto stressed meaning of the project to the client as well as to himself. He looked at the perspectives of the users and found ways to enhance those perspectives, for example the chairs in the Sanatorium were designed to make it easier for the patients to breathe.His architecture was meant to enrich the lives of those it served. In the Paimio Sanitarium in particular, Aalto's attention to psychological spaces enhancing the quality of life for the users, relation to the other buildings in the area, having a form that follows the function, and specific detail in the technical equipment made it all come together to create a well designed approach to the site and the people that dwell within it in a beautiful piece of modern architecture.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
The Impact of Internet on Society
The internet was thought of back in the early 1960’s as a way for scientist to share there theories, for other computer scientists to share there knowledge of the this new thing they have created. What we call the Internet today hasn’t always been called the Internet was first thought up to be a giant network. Leonard Klienrock at MIT published the very first â€Å"packet switching theory†in July 1961. Two men named Thomas Merrill, and Lawrence G. Roberts connected TX-2 computer in Mass. to the Q-32 in California, with a low speed dial-up telephone connection, in other words created the first â€Å"wide- area network†. Internet Society) From that point on the Internet was born. People all over the world were trying to get their hands in this new accomplishment and try to clam some of it for themselves. As time goes passed things are add to this network such as scientific studies, research papers of all kinds, people started to write programs to put on her e and let people talk to each other. Companies started to advertise on the Internet by making pop up adds. Companies even started to do business on the Internet. To this day the Internet is still growing.People are using the Internet to make a living, to talk to distant relatives, or even friends talking to each other. People use the Internet by shopping online, or by even selling things online. You can even find help organizations online. Email today is pretty much the Untied States Postal Service; you don’t need to buy stamps to mail somebody a letter. You can even send someone pictures, and movies over the Internet. All you need is an email address to send anyone an email. That brings me to my first good a bad point, all you need is an email address to email anyone something.You receive almost anything in an email; from receive viruses, hate mail, junk mail, and spam. Another good impact that the Internet has made on society is online auctions. One of the most recognizable online e-trade sites is Ebay. Ebay originated in 1995. Now you can find anything from nuts and blots to a 1999, BMW 3-Series. Ebay also represents stores that include Wal-Mart, Kmart, private dealers, car dealerships, and a lot of other stores. The company in the second quarter set a new net record or brings in 110 million dollars.It was 102% over the same period last year. (USA Today) This could also be very bad to the companies that are not with Ebay that are trying to make a living off of the net. Most individual businesses don’t have the money to have Internet sites. So if there is another company that sells almost the same items and they have the money to own their own web site then that can really hurt the other companies. The Internet also helps out special organizations that want to be recognized for what they do. But for some none profit organization that is very hard.It does cost quite a bit to run and host your own web site. As Curt LaBond puts it â€Å"It canâ⠂¬â„¢t only help build a stronger society, it can atomize it. †But the Internet can also put out bad publicity for these individual organizations. (LaBond) From when the Internet was introduced there has been many good things come about. There are also bad things that came from the Internet. Many people take the Internet for granite and miss the whole meaning of the Internet. People try to harm the Internet by putting viruses out there that will shut some ones computer down.
Friday, September 13, 2019 - community - ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Essay - community - ERP, CRM, Business Intelligence, and Intranet and Portal Development - Essay Example The portal is provides employees with a one stop shop for all their policy, HR, content needs. Allow customers to be capable of login to their account place and observe their orders and consignment information, log cases for matters they are experiences, update their profile, converse in groups about the products. Allow suppliers to be capable to communicate and work together with the XYZ engineers and leaders at XYZ Industries around their orders; monitor the status of the orders (Kao 22). Customers: account login, attain shipment information, view orders, update profile, log compliments and feedbacks and converse in groups. Suppliers: connect with XYZ engineers, leaders, monitor order status, view payment details and monitor order movement. Employees: log in to assess HR, Policy and content needs (Kao 22). System Diagram (High Level): Develop system diagram to demonstrate the key workings of the Architecture. ERP System: assess all of XYZ customers and forecast information is consolidated in the CRM resolution, so business owners can receive current forecasts and create reports automatically (Mall 178). In addition, through consolidation of this data, management can get a more international view of the issues driving real purchase decisions. CRM-Improved contact and rapid liberation of information will decrease the time essential to close even the principal of deals (Satzinger 208). Fast liberation of requested in sequence would consequence in the competitive benefit that may just push those explanation sales over the top (Mall 178). System Context Diagrams represent every external entity that may interrelate with a classification. Such an illustration pictures the organization at the middle, with no issues of its interior organization, bordered by all its interacting environments, systems, and activities (Mall 178). Security Protocols: A security protocol is an abstract or tangible protocol that executes a security-oriented operation and
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Effect of Media on People Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Effect of Media on People - Research Paper Example It was followed by conveying verbal messages by slaves or subordinates through covering distances on foot or animals at a later stage. Then with the invention of paper came the time of writing letters and sending telegrams. Even for that matter, man had to make journeys of days and night to reach his destination. With the invention of radio in 1895 with the efforts of a number of researchers, people were able to send their messages across borders. The era of radio lasted many years. It was an important mode of communication especially during World Wars I and II. Man has always been a mode of communication himself. The best storyteller is a human being. It started from the beginning of time, when stories were exchanged by families, tribes and entire villages. It gave rise to an aura of enchantment that lasted for ages until the birth of other modes of interaction. During that period, the concept of communicating through imagery was also common. Lifetimes were drawn or painted in the f orm of art in churches, castles or inside caves. Such drawings contained the power of talking to the viewer. (ChallengingMedia 2010) This essence of communication prevailed until the advent of industrial era. Industrial revolution brought the printing press combined with steam engine technology to develop something which was called the newspaper. (ChallengingMedia 2010). This amalgamation changed the paradigm of media. It proved to be an easy and approachable medium for people to educate themselves about the life around them through reading. The biggest advantage of newspapers was the increase in literacy rate. People lost the tradition of telling or hearing stories through the primary source. Instead, people started to limit apparent interaction. Then with the dawn of the electronic revolution came a new mode, the television. The television dominated the electronic age. It was run through antennas that caught channels from satellites and transmitted them throughout the world on tel evisions. It attracted people of all ages but the strongly attracted was the economic and business market. Businessmen started investing through broadcasting commercials on televisions that in return paid for the programs run on it. The United States was the one of the countries that took advantage of this new technology and helped raise its economy through media channels. (ChallengingMedia 2011) Today, the electronic media has expanded and evolved further in the form of the Internet, social networks like Facebook and Twitter, the film industry, the music industry and mobile phones. The Internet which was the invention of the United States during Second World War for the purpose of communication over large distances was later transformed into a public entity. It led people connect across oceans within a matter of seconds through emails, live broadcasting, chatting and webcam. It is splendid and saturated mode of information. The Internet along with the introduction of computers and laptops has made life simple. Now the use of paper and pen or type writer machines has been replaced by typing on computers with advanced features of writing editing. The social networks like the Facebook and Twitter has enhanced the mode of connectivity. Currently there are more than sixty thousand people on Facebook and one hundred and ninety people have joined Twitter. Such networks enable people to share their
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Mental processes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Mental processes - Essay Example t of questions asked about how the mental processes are relevant to our everyday activities and whether it is possible to study the mind when we cannot see the mind. The mind-brain identity theory holds that the mind is the brain and that mental states are the brains. It identifies sensations and other mental phenomena with the physical processes of the brain (Brook & Roberts, 178). This theory views the mind and brain as being identical. Unlike other philosophers, who argue that, experiences are brain processes, but are non-physical properties. The brain-mind theory affirms that mind is a physical thing, which is the brain. This theory disagrees with both substance dualism and property dualism theories (Mandik, 263). The theory maintains that mind is the brain just like water is H2O or lighting is electricity (Brook & Robert, 178). It dismisses the substance dualism on the ground that the mind is non-physical by affirming the mind as being a thing, which is the brain. The theory also disagrees with the property dualism on the basis of brain properties such as qualia are non-physical properties (Mandik, 264). According to the theory, qualia indeed are properties, but they are one and similar to the brain properties. This theory refers to the mental state as something literally, inner, since a person’s brain is literally inside the body (Mandik, 265). The mind-brain theory gives an explanation of the correlation of mental states with brain states, as it highlights the role of empirical investigation about mind and bra in. It also solves the mind causation problems as it reduces mental realm to physical (Mandik, 265). This theory plays a role as it investigates the process of the mental state from the physical perspective. However, the mind theory faces the challenge of multiple realizability in which it states, for every mental state there is a unique physical-chemical state of the brain in the sense that a life form can be in the mental state on condition that it
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Business law environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business law environment - Essay Example Thus, both Andrew and Ivor are principals with respect to third parties, agents with respect to each other, and have equal rights and duties owing from being part of a fiduciary relationship. 2 The inherent fiduciary nature of partnership entails that good faith characterise all the actions of both Andrew and Ivor relative to Hi-Tek Kitchenware transactions. This is because in a fiduciary relationship a partner is entrusted with the obligation to act for the benefit of the other, implying that Andrew must act for the benefit of Ivor and Ivor, on the hand, must act only, in transactions related to the firm, with the benefit of Andrew in mind. Thus under ss 28 to 30 of PA 1890, the duties and obligations of partners all embrace this element. In the duty of disclosure, under s 28 of the said Act, obligates a partner to reveal all and every transaction that he entered into in behalf of the other partners. 3 Both Andrew and Ivor therefore, are required under this provision of the Act to disclose to each other all transactions and negotiations they entered into in their capacity as agent of each other. In the landmark case, for example, of Law v. Law 4 a partner offered to purch ase another partner’s share of the firm to which the latter accepted. He found out belatedly however, after the sale, that the partner to whom he sold his share had failed to disclose certain assets of the firm. When the case was brought to court, the latter held that the duty to disclose is an obligation that each partner must carry out although in this case, the sale was not annulled because it turned out that the selling partner had agreed to a sale without prior disclosure. 5 Another duty of a partner to each other is the duty to account which comes under s 29 of PA 1890. Under the said section, Andrew and Ivor are duty-bound to account to each other all profits or benefits of any kind they gained from all
Monday, September 9, 2019
Medical mistakes Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Medical mistakes - Research Paper Example The Canadians are a society that places much emphasis and importance on issues to do with health, and health needs for those approaching their end of life are not ignored. The ministry concerned ensures the universal access of apposite and quality healthcare to all the citizens regardless of race, age, color, gender, religious beliefs or social class. To ensure that no one is discriminated, the Canadian Hospice and Palliative Care was established and is an organization bringing together researchers, clinicians, doctors and substitute decision makers. It was formed with an objective of reaching out to the Canadians and raising their awareness concerning issues, aspects and importance of engaging in advance care planning, and how to get involved. The Health Care Consent Act was also founded with an intention of educating people about advanced care planning, and informing them of their rights as substitute decision makers and those of their patients. Another body that is in Canada that is concerned with issues to do with advance care planning is the Consent and Capacity board (Robert and Michael, 2013). The Consent and Capacity Board, as Robert and Michael (2013) collectively note was established to give timely, dignified and fair hearings in a bid to get an equilibrium state between medical and legal matters. This work shall discuss the ethical, legal and professional issues that arise in making such decisions (end of life decisions). To begin with, imperative statistics about the health situation in Canada shall be presented, examples of major life decisions shall be discussed and then a case study shall be provided. From this case study; the ethical, professional and legal issues shall be discussed in that order. Thereafter, a conclusion focusing on end of life decisions shall be drawn. A research conducted in 2006 showed that between 2005 and 2036, it was projected that the number of aged people (who in this
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Proven research based teaching methods to meet the needs of students Essay
Proven research based teaching methods to meet the needs of students with Learning Disabilities in the middle grades - Essay Example on project in Syracuse, New York, directed by William Cruickshank and his colleagues, 1961), they reflected the traditional service-delivery model of the times - the self-contained special education classroom. Until the passage in 1975 of P.L. 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA), few states recognized learning disabilities as a handicapping condition that required the provision of special education services (Baker et al., 1995). But EHA changed all that. With a mandate to serve and with federal guidelines for diagnosis, publicly funded special education programs for students with learning disabilities became commonplace; the number of students classified as learning disabled (LD) and provided with special education services in public schools rose from 797,212 in 1976-77 to 2,214,326 in 1991-92 U.S. (Department of Education, Tenth Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1988) On the other hand, in an ideal world, teaching and development would be inextricably linked. As teachers observed childrens intellectual, social, and academic growth, they also would seek to foster such progress. Routine observations with respect to childrens abilities would be complemented with consideration of how instruction or the classroom environment supports learning. This activity, the close observation of learning in response to instruction, is an exercise in problem solving and constitutes an essential element of diagnostic assessment. Whether in the classroom or the clinic, the interest is not simply to categorize a child under a particular label or diagnostic scheme but also to uncover the kind of instruction and educational setting that will lead to continued development. More specifically, the teacher must construct (a) an understanding of the childs current abilities, (b) a description of the kind of instruction the child should receive to make
The Financial Crisis and Its Impact on China Research Paper
The Financial Crisis and Its Impact on China - Research Paper Example Chinese economy has never depended upon the risky Western financial measures. They rather treasure their deposits. In spite of this secured state, Chinese economy suffered fluctuations The global financial crisis has started shaking the Chinese economy as the ripple effect from American economy has worsened the already falling Chinese markets. Worldwide demand for their exports has been reduced. This resulted in the stopping of domestic industrial production. Factories have been closed and the employees lay off that led to unemployment and protests. Towards the end of 2008 they announced a $586 billion stimulus package targeted towards bettering growth and domestic consumption in ten different sectors of Chinese society. Infrastructure investment, disaster reconstruction, environmental safety measures are some of the sectors that have been touched. The package is expected to help iron and steel sectors, cement producers and certain other industries through the investment put on infra structure. The new step also improved growth by taking off loan quotas on lenders and raising credit for different projects that support rural areas and small scale businesses. Government has recognized the sectors where they really felt decline and announced packages that can bring up the economy. They have made reduction in interest rates and devoted funds for infrastructure construction. Steps have also been taken to improve real estate sales. China has also announced heavy rebates on taxes put on exporters. In the third quarter of the year 2008 the growth rate was just nine percent. This is the slowest rate the nation has witnessed in the last five years. China has also faced a consecutive fall in housing prices. Other industrial sectors like textiles, information technology and electricity production have also encountered decline. China is not heavily affected by the financial crisis like other countries because of its closed financial system. They are however affected by the f inancial crisis in innumerable ways. Other countries that have been fallen because of crisis urge China to extend a financial help hand by raising its own exports. A small slowdown in the financial growth rate of China is expected to bring big results. Certain economics have warned that China will encounter a serious recession even if its growth rate falls slightly below six percent. Chinese should keep at least nine percent growth rate to maintain its growing labor force and take farmers to the urban sectors. The international financial crisis has wounded different aspects of Chinese economy even though the actual impact is not completely visible in the year on year comparison. The most visible impact of the crisis is the loss seen in export-oriented light industry in China. Thousands of companies have fallen; thousands of workers have lost their jobs. According to the official reports more than ten million migrant workers have lost their jobs and returned to their native provinces . Industries in China have been highly affected because of the economic crisis. It has severely affected the equipment manufacturing industry. Chinese government had to introduce equipment manufacturing adjustment and boosting plan for countering the fall. Priority is given to the equipment manufacturing sector. This sector has been upgraded and supported by government. Independent innovation has been encouraged; this
Saturday, September 7, 2019
GE case study Essay Example for Free
GE case study Essay GE Oil Gas was established in 2012 when GE Energy was divided into three new business units of General Electric. Prompted by poor financial performance, GE Oil Gas was created in an effort to simplify business and also make General Electric more visible to its shareholders (Working Environment | GE. com, n. d. , p. 1). GE Oil Gas has grown to become one of the key players in the energy sector. Operating in more than 100 countries and employing 43,000 people, GE Oil Gas delivers equipment and services that enable its customers to access and make more efficient use of the world’s energy resources. With a variety of extremely complex technologies fueling numerous industry-milestone projects, GE Oil Gas has helped make it possible to extract reserves in the most remote and extreme locations. One example, the Gorgan Project, is one of the world’s largest natural gas projects and provides energy to most of Western Australia. The Gorgan Project provides insight to some of the staffing challenges facing GE in today’s global and complex energy industry(Introduction Workforce planning in the global oil and gas environment GE Oil Gas | GE Oil Gas case studies, videos, social media and information | Business Case Studies, n.d. , p. 1) . GE Mission and Values Unlike most Fortune 500 companies, GE does not have an official mission statement, rather they represent their mission with the â€Å"GE Works Equation†. As explained by GE, â€Å"We have a relentless drive to invent things that matter: innovations that build, power, move and help cure the world. We make things that very few in the world can, but that everyone needs. This is a source of pride. To our employees and customers, it defines GE. †(General Electric (GE) mission statement 2013 | SM Insight, p. 1). As environmental regulations shift and force the energy sector to evolve, GE is forced to place a large emphasis on environmental standards. The following statement represents GE’s commitment to sound environmental practices. â€Å"GEs unstinted commitment to Environment, Health Safety is a paramount consideration in all its procedural aspects. For, at GE we realize that when it comes to EHS, a clean bill of health is more than a corporate asset; it is a fundamental responsibility to employees and to the environment that we all share,†(Environment Industries | GE Energy, n.d. , p. 1) S. W. O. T. Analysis1 With regards to adequately staffing each position within GE’s complex organization, the following strengths are key to maintaining market share and a competitive edge. †¢Alliances with other strong businesses that are viewed favorably among the masses †¢As a market leader, GE is capable of obtaining the most experienced employees which continue to help GE be a leader in innovation †¢Strong organizational structure and culture †¢Employee base of 323,000 (All of GE) †¢Strong reputation and popular with consumers. †¢Respected Brand Despite having a high market share, GE still faces weaknesses that must be recognized and understood for them to improve their position. They are as follows: †¢GE is 4th highest producer of air and water pollution. †¢History of misleading investors for high returns †¢GE not performing well in Asian Markets †¢Charged by Department of Defense on corrupt practices for jet engine sales to Israel With the energy sector in full speed and booming in most of the world, GE Oil Gas has a vast number of opportunities to improve performance. With an aging workforce, it is critical that GE also capitalize on current opportunities with personnel and training. The following are current opportunities for GE with regards to their workforce. †¢Pursue governmental support (grants/allowances) for training and hiring new employees †¢Focus on corporate social responsibility to gain favor with consumers, potential employees †¢Takeover/Merger opportunities to enter new markets †¢Further utilize RD projects †¢Improve customer service Being such a highly regulated industry, there are a vast number of external threats that face a company such as GE. These external factors need to be recognized and planned for to avoid a disruption in operations. †¢Increased Labor Cost, shortage of skilled workers, and aging workforce †¢Global recession †¢Currency fluctuations due to the number of counties GE is doing business †¢Intense competition in the industry †¢As the 4th largest producer of pollutants, the biggest threat for GE is government regulation on environmental issues Strategy and Organizational Drivers. Workforce planning is becoming more critical for companies such as GE. Workforce planning is essentially a company planning for future labor needs Because operations span across 100+ companies, GE has developed global training centers offering a broad training curriculum to ensure its workforce is abreast to the latest challenges in the energy industry. Despite the shortage of STEM graduates worldwide, GE offers customized leadership programs to younger generations in hopes of developing the next generation of technical experts and managers. Additionally, leadership teams are implemented on most all big projects and are tasked with making key strategic decisions for the organization. At all levels of the organization, those who demonstrate passion and commitment to both high performance and the GE brand can expect to be rewarded with higher positions and more responsibility, Whether it is an HR employee, a scientist, or an engineer, GE seems committed to building and empowering employees(Introduction Workforce planning in the global oil and gas environment GE Oil Gas | GE Oil Gas case studies, videos, social media and information | Business Case Studies, n.d. , p. 2). Improving. The most pressing issues facing GE Oil Gas are the risks of environmental regulation and employing an adequate labor force to cope with the demands of technology advancements. Because of the shortage of skilled professionals, GE should focus heavily on building relationships with the best universities, worldwide, and establishing a presence in the minds of young people interested in STEM careers. GE could begin at even the grade school level by sponsoring science fairs, math and engineering competitions, or any other related activity and provide scholarships to winners. Begin a marketing campaign nationwide that focuses on growing the interest of math and science at a young age. With regards to the environmental issues, strict compliance should be a zero tolerance policy. Bad press can destroy years of good work and potentially cost a company everything. It is vital that companies such as GE are able to adapt to their continually changing landscape, and implement new strategies conducive to growth. In a markets such as oil and gas, it seems like the company that is not growing, is dying. GE has the resources to help ensure they have a future in energy. They must continue to look for initiatives to encourage students to learn about oil and gas. Skilled people are the lifeline of GE.
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