Essay about traveling experience
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Psychology of Criminal Minds Essays
Brain research of Criminal Minds Essays Brain research of Criminal Minds Paper Brain research of Criminal Minds Paper ISU Part III Topic: The brain research of Criminal Minds Focus of Research: Effects of maltreatment in youth How misuse influences teenagers Effects of maltreatment on early adulthood How maltreatment at more youthful ages triggers viciousness into late adulthood. Kind of Primary Research: I decide to do a poll since it is useful to comprehend what understudies our age think about criminal practices and how their psyches work. Likewise about the amount they think about the elements that influence them during their lifetimes that lead up to them being crooks. The poll will be for 30-40 grown-ups and understudies. I will ask more established companions and understudies from Pickering High School to finish the poll to put together it with respect to their prime information. The poll contenders will finish the overview with either straight yes or no answers or basic answers or with a greater amount of a logical answer including point of interest and posting what is asked of them. The inquiries will focus on how they think lawbreakers are and how their cerebrum functions explicitly inside the formative time frames. The outcomes from this poll will be remembered for the last report and it will be contrasted with how much youthful grown-ups think about wrongdoing and what actually. Test Questions: How much do you think punishing is adequate? Do you feel that hitting is a type of misuse? Do you concur that kids who are forceful and brutal at youth are well on the way to become criminal guilty parties at immaturity and late adulthood? What as you would see it makes little youngsters who are manhandled powerless to turning out to be youthful guilty parties? What do you think triggers savagery in crooks? Name the various kinds of animosity your acquainted with. What as you would like to think makes an individual a helpless objective for lawbreakers? Do you believe that sequential executioners are normally crazy or are there a substance uneven characters?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The church on homelessness Essay Example For Students
The congregation on vagrancy Essay The congregation on vagrancy Essay The perspective on the congregation to the destitute is liberal and envangelistic responsibility. The congregation additionally shows an uncommon love for poor people. The congregation simply being there and its altruistic assistance for the destitute shows what God would need the congregation to accomplish for the destitute. The congregation is cognizant that the absence of not too bad lodging compromises poor people. The congregation is appreciative for the making of associations that help to make the privilege to lodging workable for some vagrants. We will compose a custom article on The congregation on vagrancy explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Instances of such associations are asylums and observer of the neighborhood places of worship. Pope Paul VI himself actually advanced a program focused on giving lodging to certain families who were living in a Roman ghetto. The worry of the congregation for lodging for the destitute originates from three thoughts: 1) Adequate lodging is significant if an individual is to discover satisfaction, both as an individual and as an individual from a family and society. 2) The observer that the congregation looks to give in aiding in the quest for an answer for the issues of the poor is an indication of the nearness of the realm of salvation and freedom. 3) The crucial the congregation additionally comprises in assisting with making society progressively human. The Catholic Church concurs with these three thoughts and furthermore makes its own judgment on the enduring of these a large number of individuals. From the hour of the most punctual Christian people group, the congregation has consistently indicated an inclination for poor people, the penniless, and on the pariahs of society. The way that the church demands connecting with the poor through strategic, food storerooms, and safe houses shows the particular love that the congregation has for these individuals. The congregation has consistently engaged government programs set up to help poor people and has consistently bolstered urban areas to set up lodging programs in the least fortunate territories For whatever length of time that there are individuals without lodging, Christians who have homes are called upon to help destitute people to accommodate their essential needs. Many church assemblages and service associations of the Catholic Church in America offer food, cover, regard, care, and advising to the destitute. Numerous volunteers help in food storerooms, covers, bunch homes, and different types of administration with the destitute. The Church all in all has made a exceptionally positive effect in the push to kill vagrancy. .
Friday, August 21, 2020
Problem Solution Essay Topics For Elementary Students
Problem Solution Essay Topics For Elementary StudentsOften the major difficulty with essay topics for elementary students is that there are so many of them to choose from. In fact, if you're looking for essay topics for elementary students, you'll probably be inundated with options. But how can you make the best choices when it comes to essay topics for elementary students?The first thing you should keep in mind is that you shouldn't overload your essay topics for elementary students with too many subjects. It can take a lot of research to find the right ones for your students, and when they're all the same subject, you run the risk of having them confused and under-developed.You also have to understand that you won't always be able to determine what your students want when it comes to essay topics for elementary students. Even though you've spent a great deal of time finding essays to choose from, it may not always be possible to find exactly what they're looking for. That's why you need to be willing to adapt to whatever topic your students want.The key to essay topics for elementary students is to find one or two that you can use consistently. That way, if your student wants to read a certain book, you can always use that as an essay topic. If they want to know more about a certain topic, then you can always discuss it as an essay topic for your students.One of the reasons essay topics for elementary students are such a challenge is because they tend to get a little too lengthy. For example, you might need to write about a specific invention, but it might take two pages before you get to the innovation itself. At that point, it may feel like the essay has lost momentum.Instead, make sure that you're going to get back to the point fairly quickly. If you've spent enough time writing about a particular topic, you might find yourself reaching a dead end. If you need to go back and re-write parts of your essay, you might find that you run out of topics to work on halfway through.In addition, it's often very hard to talk about something and never mention it again once you've finished your essay. As a result, it's often difficult to give a good summary of the main points of your essay. That's why you should make sure that you're going to make sure that you've covered every aspect of the topic before you start. By that point, you should have a pretty good idea of what it is that your students want to learn about.In order to make the best decisions about essay topics for elementary students, you need to be willing to adapt to whatever topic they might want to cover. When you do, you'll have fewer problems than you do previously.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Do You Burn More Calories When You Think Hard
According to Popular Science, your brain requires a tenth of a calorie per minute, just to stay alive. Compare this to the energy used by your muscles. Walking burns about four calories a minute. Kickboxing can burn a whopping ten calories a minute. Reading and pondering this article? That melts a respectable 1.5 calories a minute. Feel the burn (but try the kickboxing if youre trying to lose weight). While 1.5 calories per minute might not seem like very much, its a rather impressive number when you take into account your brain only accounts for about 2% of your mass and that, when you add up these calories over the course of a day, this one organ uses 20% or 300 of the 1300 calories the average person needs per day.​ Where the Calories Go Its not all to your gray matter. Heres how it works: The brain is comprised of neurons, cells that communicate with other neurons and transmit messages to and from body tissues. Neurons produce chemicals called neurotransmitters to relay their signals. To produce neurotransmitters, neurons extract 75% of the sugar glucose (available calories) and 20% of the oxygen from the blood. PET scans have revealed your brain doesnt burn energy uniformly. The frontal lobe of your brain is where your thinking takes place, so if you are pondering lifes big questions, like what to have for lunch to replace the calories you are burning, that part of your brain will need more glucose. Calories Burned While Thinking Unfortunately, being a mathlete wont get you fit. In part, thats because you still have to work muscles to earn that six-pack, and also because pondering the mysteries of the universe only burns twenty to fifty more calories per day compared with lounging by the pool. Most of the energy used by the brain goes toward keeping you alive. Whether youre thinking or not, your brain still controls breathing, digestion, and other essential activities. Calories and Mental Fatigue Like most biochemical systems, the brains energy expenditure is a complex situation. Students routinely report mental exhaustion following key exams, like the SAT or MCAT. The physical toll of such tests is real, although its likely due to a combination of stress and concentration. Researchers have found the brains of people who think for a living (or for recreation) become more efficient as using energy. We give our brains a workout when we focus on difficult or unfamiliar tasks. Sugar and Mental Performance Scientists have studied the effect of sugar and other carbohydrates on the body and brain. In one study, simply rinsing the mouth with a carbohydrate solution activated parts of the brain that enhance exercise performance. But, does the effect translate into improved mental performance? A review of the effects of carbohydrates and mental performance yields conflicting results. There are evidence carbohydrates (not necessarily sugar) can improve mental function. Several variables affect the outcome, including how well your body regulates blood sugar, age, time of day, the nature of the task, and the type of carbohydrate. If youre facing a tough mental challenge and dont feel up to the task, theres a good chance a quick snack is just what you need.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Benefits Of Using Generic Drugs For Cancer And Autoimmune...
In 2014, it was estimated that Americans spent over $373 billion on pharmaceuticals, which is an increase of 13 percent and considered the highest increase since 2001. With the Affordable Care Act in place, it is estimated that patients filled approximately 24 percent more prescriptions in 2014 than in 2013. There are several reasons to account for this spending growth. The first is the increased spending of $20 billion on new medication brands. Secondly, over 161,000 people started treatment for hepatitis C treatment, which is approximately ten times more than the previous year. The third reason is an increase for recent innovative treatment for cancer and autoimmune diseases (, 2015). With health care spending continuing to rise, Americans have at least three options to help reduce out-of-pocket expenses. Cost-saving methods include switching from brand name drugs to generic medications, discussing potential alternative medications that are less expensive with healthcare providers, and rallying lawmaker to change current laws to restrict the amount pharmaceutical companies can charge for medications. Generic Drugs In 2012, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that in 2004, the â€Å"average price for generic prescription drug was $28.74, while the average price of a brand-name prescription drug was $96.01.†The FDA recognizes that the high price of medications puts the public at a high health risk. To help Americans be able to have access
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning And...
Learning is a relatively lasting behavior through experience. There are three major types of learning: classical conditioning, operant conditioning and observational learning. Classical conditioning is a process of learning where an association is formed between a neutral stimulus and a stimulus that evokes a response naturally. Operant conditioning is a learning process using reinforcement or punishment of certain behaviors. Observational learning is where the process of learning happens through observing and experiences. Kids tend to act out what they see and witness. Albert Bandura’s social learning theory supports this and states that humans learn from the examples others set and from direct experiences that involve rewards and punishments. He conducted a study where he and a team of researchers were watching a bunch of kids with dolls after they had seen adults with the dolls. He originally thought that if a kid sees a doll, he or she is just going to play with it. He was proved wrong. These kids were how ever the adults were with the doll and attempted to mimic the mannerisms such as being aggressive with the doll. His study taught that a child can not be just told to not be aggressive. If you want a child to be peaceful, the adult or anyone in the environment should be peaceful. â€Å"Regardless of the precise contributions of genetic and biological factors, it is clear that aggressive behavior is strongly affected by learning (Bandura, 1973)†(Fein, Kassin, Hazel, 2014,Show MoreRelatedClassical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, and Observational Learning664 Words  | 3 PagesOur understanding of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning has allowed us to unlock many of the answers we sought to learn about human behavior. Classical conditioning is a technique of behavioral training, coined by Ivan Pavlov, which basically states that an organism learns through establishing associations between different events and stimuli. This helps us understand human behavior in an assortment of ways. It makes it clear that almost everything we do isRead MoreClassical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning And Observational Learning Essay914 Words  | 4 Pagesare three ways, according to Experience Psychology 3rd Edition, for or ganisms to learn – Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning and Observational Learning. In Classical Conditioning, it involves the association between a neutral stimulus and an innate stimulus of organisms, and a response is produced when these two stimuli came in contact. Slightly different from Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning woks in a way when a behavior is determined by the consequences of the outcomes. To putRead MoreClassical Conditioning And Operant Conditioning1492 Words  | 6 Pages To expand upon the concepts of the two forms of conditioning listed above, three additional principals not previously listed for the sake of convenience are present in both forms of conditioning; these three principals-extinction, spontaneous recovery, and stimulus discrimination-are among the number of basic principals of conditioning that are found in most forms of conditioning. To explain, Extinction refers to the process by which the steady weakening or diminishment of a conditioned responseRead MoreLearning Experience Paper : Smoking Cessation Essay1185 Words  | 5 Pages Learning Experience Paper: Smoking Cessation Throughout one’s lifetime, an individual undergoes a magnitude of various learning experiences, all of which serve as a shaping agent, consequently forming personality traits that are unique to each human being. Examining this fact further, what does learning mean, precisely? Namely, the definition of learning is the resulting change in behavior or knowledge that occurs through experienceRead More The Process of Learning Essay1107 Words  | 5 PagesLearning Learning is more than a person sitting at a desk and studying off a book. Everything that we do is a result of what we have learned. We respond to things that happen to us, we act and experience consequences from our behavior, and we observe what others say and do. Psychologists explain our many experiences with basic learning processes. â€Å"Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience (Santrock, p.146).†By learning how to use a computer you willRead MoreLearning: Classical Conditioning1132 Words  | 5 PagesLearning Learning is more than a person sitting at a desk and studying off a book. Everything that we do is a result of what we have learned. We respond to things that happen to us, we act and experience consequences from our behavior, and we observe what others say and do. Psychologists explain our many experiences with basic learning processes. Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience (Santrock, p.146). By learning how to use a computer youRead More psychology and learning Essay1182 Words  | 5 Pagesin which they are learning and what they have to learn. One form of learning is known as conditioning. Conditioning emphasises the relationship between stimuli and responses. The two types of conditioning found are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. Learning may occur in different ways. Psychologists have distinguished between different types of learning, these being Observational Learning and Insight Learning. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Classical conditioning refers to a simpleRead MoreApplying Operant Conditioning to Human Behaviour Essay591 Words  | 3 PagesApplying Operant Conditioning to Human Behaviour Operant conditioning is when a way of learning by consequence. To put it basic, an action which is rewarded is more likely to be repeated, along with an action that is punished is less likely to be repeated. To apply this to an example of human behaviour, young children may have shaped behaviour due to operant conditioning; where desireable behaviour is rewarded (e.g. by giving a toy) the behaviour is being positivelyRead MoreLearning Principles Classical Conditioning And Observational Learning1080 Words  | 5 PagesReading skills are essential to learning all other subjects taught in school. The sharper the reading skills children have and the earlier they accumulate them will determine how rapidly and how well they will achieve in school. That is why it is very crucial to get students motivated to read at a young age. Research has consistently shown that children who are exposed to reading or who read regularly gather long term benefits such as better academic performance, a mastery of language, better communicationRead MoreThere Are Many Types Of Conditioning That People Used To1427 Words  | 6 PagesThere are many types of conditioning that people used to learn things. The first type of condition that we talk about in this paper is classical condition. The second type of conditioning is called operant conditioning. And the last type of conditioning is vicarious conditioni ng / Observational Learning. These are the 3 main types of conditioning that we use in are daily life. Classical Conditioning Classical conditioning is one of the most basic forms of learning that we use today. You can see it
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Primarily
Question: Discuss about the Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives Primarily. Answer: Introduction: It has been a norm globally for organizations to engage in corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility refers to an organization, institution or foundations giving back to the society for philanthropic purposes or giving in kind (Horrigan, 2010). This paper will be examining the motive behind organizations investing highly on corporate social responsibility, the paper will ask questions; like are the institution involved in corporate social responsibility in aid of the society in which their businesses are premised or are they giving in kind as selfless or altruistic acts and values. For proper illustration and justification, the paper will examine some of the internationally accredited and established business and their motive behind CSR. The aspect of organizations undertaking CSR in kind or altruistic value is raises a question, while the organizations might want to impact the society that they operate in positively, the communities or societies being supported by the businesses may consider the act of kind giving, as an opportunity for business in competitive advantage, or businesses giving to operate within their clauses, especially businesses that have a value of positive transformation of societies. CSR has even been used by political parties while campaigning, for instance in UK, the conservative party has advocated for responsible business across UK. Companies in the UK under influence of the conservative party will be seen giving for altruistic reason, though the motive behind is to be in terms with the ruling political parties (Horrigan, 2010). The society interprets CSR in good kind especially in most of the developing countries, organizations like the Coca-Cola, have invested in painting schools in Africa and maintenance of roundabouts on major roads, though societies and communities where Coca-Cola has presence will translate the kindness of the company to their society, Coca-Cola is giving for reputation management. Coca -cola is valued at 96% intangibly, the leader in soft drink business has managed to use its CSR activities to build its reputation, to be the most desired brand in soft drink, the organization giving in kind will be considered a selfless or altruistic motive though its giving to build its image and reputation in the market (Mullerat, 2010). Coca-Cola which thrives on the soft drink industry to thrive, discovered that its competitive strategies arent enough, it had to come up with other models that can support the strategies in place, thus the need to employ corporate social responsibility model.Corporate social responsibility involves companies, giving services or money in kind, supporting certain causes in the society where their business operates in. Coca-Cola supporting causes like donating football uniforms in primary schools where it has a business footprint, the uniforms are branded with coca cola logo. Coca-Cola also support digging of boreholes, especially in African communities, where piped water is very scarce The corporate social responsibility increases shareholder value, the aspect of giving uniforms to football clubs and supporting causes in the society, enables the society to interact more with the Coca-Cola brand. Most investors tend to partner or invest with companies that have certain principles, Corpo rate social responsibility gives Coca-Cola an advantage to woo investors. (Mullerat and Brennan, 2005). Most of the international organizations, tend to give back to the societies to be at cordial relationship with governments, companies that are seen supporting the local activities are normally perceived to be doing business and investing the same on the placement of their businesses other than channeling all their profits to the mother countries, or where the businesses are headquartered. The organizations are normally given tax incentives by the governments, where their businesses are premised, there is an open and free market and they are not subjected to corruption for their businesses policy and framework to be embraced in the societies. (Lacy and Salazar, 2006). In this context it will be wrong to interpret that an organization is only giving for the purpose of altruistic value. At times for the fear of losing customers, organization are obliged to engage in CSR activities, some of the clients to businesses might be large stakeholders or people who purchase goods and services in large volumes, their exit from business will have an implication on financial structure of an organization., some of the clients will prefer to invest their money in a business with good ethics, businesses seen to be taking care of the environment in operation. Customers tend to be loyal in purchasing from organizations that positively impact their surroundings. An organization will highly invest in CSR for the purpose of meeting the expectation of the customer and main stakeholders in the market. The society will perceive an altruistic value in the environment though blindly, the society is impressed at a cost. Customers will buy from the same organization and it is the profit as a result of their investment which will lead to CSR activities by organizations (Idowu and Leal Filho, 2 009). Institutions engaged in corporate social responsibility have a great share value in stock exchange, a cartel of businesses analyst tend to advise investors to boycott in buying shares from companies that arent giving in kind, this result to fall of share value in the market and a decline curve in profits is expected to a company not practicing such values of altruism, in the long run, an organization will be forced to engage in acts of giving alms or selflessness as perceived by the society though this is primarily for the purpose of safe guarding the share price in the market and avoidance of lose in stock value and market boycott from the investors and financial analysts (Hawkins, 2006) It has been observed globally; companies that engage in CSR activities increase employee loyalty, there is an increase too in motivation by the employees especially when the senior managers are seen actively participating in the CSR activities, the employees perceive the organization as one that is caring and they are proud to be supporters of the cause undertaken by the organization.( Mermod and Idowu, 2013 ).For instance, Avon has increased pride in its employees, to represent it to women, since the company donates to breast cancer research (Hemat and Yuksel, 2013). For this reason, companies will engage in corporate social responsibility, primarily to motivate its employees in objective execution of the company, employees will participate in representing their organizations though the employers have an expectation from them, this argument depicts the motive behind CSR in organizations. A top executive in any organization, will not abandon his or her busy schedule to engage in a Csr activity without an expected payback. Societies are improved when organizations invest on the corporate social responsibility roles, though a great analysis will reveal organizations roles and acts are not in kind but a desired objective in the market. The fruits to the organizations might not be physical at the particular moments the top executives, avail the CSR plans in the market, though fruits will be harvested in the long run. Most organizations donate in kind and also the merchandise donated are left with their corporate logo, for instance if its sports uniform, whenever the teams play, the spectator will not only enjoy football but they will be seeing advertisements running in the field, it will affect sales of the donating company positively and greater revenues will be experienced. Organizations will claim they are carrying out CSR activities for altruistic purposes though at some instances its a selfish motive. Some organization want to have a global presence, they do so by beginning Corporate social responsibility activities like funding education in Africa, later the organizations will partner with companies with good reputation and with some global presence, what follows the partnership in sponsorship of the CSR activities like aiding education, this enables the company seeking funds to have some presence globally. During the ground breaking ceremonies towards the CSR activities, both companies receive attention from the international media and thus they use the selfless act of corporate social responsibility to acquire some global market attention. Companies undertake the CSR to improve relations globally and at the same time have some global media coverage. (Spence, 2010). Organizations have departments that are in charge of the CSR activities, it doesnt happen in a vacuum, they strategically develop ways and plans toward execution of the activities. In comparison to advertising, CSR can be cheaper and the rate of believability is higher, a community will see an advert in between news bulletin and switch to the next station where there are less advertisements. People will always watch documentaries with information about a company giving back to the society, irrespective of how customers will tend to disagree on product pricing and services; they will agree highly agree on activities of an organization. Organizations cut on the cost of advertising either to the customers on the relevance of their business, or their employees, reasons why they should stick longer with the company even though their pay might not match up with the competitors (Lundstrom et al, 2013). It has been noted that most organization will tend to support CSR activities either in line of the business or in line with the evils that they are causing in the society, where the businesses are operated. Cement manufacturing firms are highly likely to engage in CSR activities like planting trees and conservation of the environment. Companies will cause evils in the society and respond to their ills on how they care about the environment which they have been polluting through carbon emissions and exposure of flora and fauna as they mine to produce cement, in this context the organizations are giving not for an altruistic reason, but to soothe and blind fold the society not question their business operations (Handford et al, 2011). Organizations that sell antiseptics and soaps will engage in CSR activities like washing hands in schools, they are advocating for cleanliness in the society at the same time they end up selling more soaps and antiseptics to the community, more pieces of soaps are sold than ones that were donated during the CSR activities. The society and schools see an altruistic value, but the company perceive an opportunity to advertise while cutting costs. There are organizations which give freely for altruistic values, churches and religious institutions, engage the community by availing them with commodities such as food, shelter and clothing, they will give to meet their religion values for instance in Christianity like giving alms to the poor is considered lending unto God (Barker et al,1985). Organizations with such doctrines will give freely and in acts of selflessness in the society. The organizations even depend on funding from their followers, they will not subject who gets the donations or the major beneficiaries of their donation but they will give in support or recognition to the values that they strongly believe in or support. Organizations like world food program, Hunger safety net program, support citizens in some of countries in Africa like southern Sudan and northern Kenya where people are hunger striven, they do all this for an altruistic purpose and they expect nothing in return from the beneficiaries or even under their strategies. They have an objective to feed people globally and others have an obligation to treat the sick, organizing medical camps and they will never receive any attention or gain anything its out of selflessness (Day and Lvheim, 2016). Conclusion The paper begins by defining corporate social responsibility as an act of giving back to the society for philanthropic purposes or giving in kind. Whether organizations give primarily for altruistic act in the society has been greatly discussed, the paper has analyzed the Coca-Cola company which has greatly given in kind, it has been noted that as a result of giving the organizations has market value and an asset value of 95% which is intangible derived from corporate social responsibility. Organizations are giving to woo customers, to retain employees and also to maintain relationships either with governments regulatory bodies or other organizations. On the other hand, organizations that are found on religious doctrines are giving for altruistic value, they endeavor to change livelihoods based on their beliefs. Whether institutions give primarily for altruistic purposes is a question with a two sided answer, for the community they are likely to believe in the organizations acts. The organizations are having an objective with their altruism. 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